SchemaSpy Analysis of library - Columns Generated by
Generated by SchemaSpy on Mon Aug 16 17:34 MDT 2010
Primary key columns
Columns with indexes

library contains 36 columns - click on heading to sort:
Table Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Comments
borrower address int 10  √  null
publisher address int 10  √  null
address address2 varchar 50  √  null Address line 2 (optional)
author middleName varchar 32  √  null
borrower middleName varchar 32  √  null
borrower phone varchar 16  √  null
publisher phone varchar 16  √  null
library_branch address int 10
address address1 varchar 50 Address line 1
address addressId int 10  √ 
author authorId int 10  √ 
book_author authorId int 10 0 FK intentionally omitted to show an implied relationship
borrowed_book borrowDate date 10
book_location branchId int 10
borrowed_book branchId int 10
library_branch branchId int 10  √ 
borrowed_book cardNo int 10
borrower cardNo int 10  √ 
address city varchar 30
borrowed_book dueDate date 10
author firstName varchar 32
borrower firstName varchar 32
book isbn bigint 19 0
book_author isbn bigint 19 0
book_location isbn bigint 19 0
borrowed_book isbn bigint 19 0
author lastName varchar 32
borrower lastName varchar 32
library_branch name varchar 64
publisher name varchar 64
book_location numCopies int 10
book publisherId int 10  √ 
publisher publisherId int 10  √ 
address state char 2
book title varchar 128
address zip varchar 10 Dash req'd for zip+4