SchemaSpy Analysis of sakila - Columns Generated by
Generated by SchemaSpy on Thu Aug 12 09:42 MDT 2010
Primary key columns
Columns with indexes

sakila contains 131 columns - click on heading to sort:
Table Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Comments
actor actor_id smallint unsigned 5  √ 
actor first_name varchar 45
actor last_name varchar 45
actor last_update timestamp 19 CURRENT_TIMESTAMP
actor_info actor_id smallint unsigned 5 0
actor_info film_info varchar 341  √  null
actor_info first_name varchar 45
actor_info last_name varchar 45
address address varchar 50
address address2 varchar 50  √  null
address address_id smallint unsigned 5  √ 
address city_id smallint unsigned 5
address district varchar 20
address last_update timestamp 19 CURRENT_TIMESTAMP
address phone varchar 20
address postal_code varchar 10  √  null
category category_id tinyint unsigned 3  √ 
category last_update timestamp 19 CURRENT_TIMESTAMP
category name varchar 25
city city varchar 50
city city_id smallint unsigned 5  √ 
city country_id smallint unsigned 5
city last_update timestamp 19 CURRENT_TIMESTAMP
country country varchar 50
country country_id smallint unsigned 5  √ 
country last_update timestamp 19 CURRENT_TIMESTAMP
customer active bit 0 1
customer address_id smallint unsigned 5
customer create_date datetime 19
customer customer_id smallint unsigned 5  √ 
customer email varchar 50  √  null
customer first_name varchar 45
customer last_name varchar 45
customer last_update timestamp 19 CURRENT_TIMESTAMP
customer store_id tinyint unsigned 3
customer_list address varchar 50
customer_list city varchar 50
customer_list country varchar 50
customer_list ID2 smallint unsigned 5 0
customer_list name varchar 91  √  null
customer_list notes varchar 6
customer_list phone varchar 20
customer_list SID tinyint unsigned 3
customer_list zip code varchar 10  √  null
film description text 65535  √  null
film film_id smallint unsigned 5  √ 
film language_id tinyint unsigned 3
film last_update timestamp 19 CURRENT_TIMESTAMP
film length smallint unsigned 5  √  null
film original_language_id tinyint unsigned 3  √  null
film rating enum 5  √  G
film release_year year 0  √  null
film rental_duration tinyint unsigned 3 3
film rental_rate decimal 4,2 4.99
film replacement_cost decimal 5,2 19.99
film special_features set 54  √  null
film title varchar 255
film_actor actor_id smallint unsigned 5
film_actor film_id smallint unsigned 5
film_actor last_update timestamp 19 CURRENT_TIMESTAMP
film_category category_id tinyint unsigned 3
film_category film_id smallint unsigned 5
film_category last_update timestamp 19 CURRENT_TIMESTAMP
film_list actors varchar 341  √  null
film_list category varchar 25
film_list description text 65535  √  null
film_list FID smallint unsigned 5  √  0
film_list length smallint unsigned 5  √  null
film_list price decimal 4,2  √  4.99
film_list rating enum 5  √  G
film_list title varchar 255  √  null
film_text description text 65535  √  null
film_text film_id smallint 5
film_text title varchar 255
inventory film_id smallint unsigned 5
inventory inventory_id mediumint unsigned 8  √ 
inventory last_update timestamp 19 CURRENT_TIMESTAMP
inventory store_id tinyint unsigned 3
language language_id tinyint unsigned 3  √ 
language last_update timestamp 19 CURRENT_TIMESTAMP
language name char 20
nicer_but_slower_film_list actors varchar 341  √  null
nicer_but_slower_film_list category varchar 25
nicer_but_slower_film_list description text 65535  √  null
nicer_but_slower_film_list FID smallint unsigned 5  √  0
nicer_but_slower_film_list length smallint unsigned 5  √  null
nicer_but_slower_film_list price decimal 4,2  √  4.99
nicer_but_slower_film_list rating enum 5  √  G
nicer_but_slower_film_list title varchar 255  √  null
payment amount decimal 5,2
payment customer_id smallint unsigned 5
payment last_update timestamp 19 CURRENT_TIMESTAMP
payment payment_date datetime 19
payment payment_id smallint unsigned 5  √ 
payment rental_id int 10  √  null
payment staff_id tinyint unsigned 3
rental customer_id smallint unsigned 5
rental inventory_id mediumint unsigned 8
rental last_update timestamp 19 CURRENT_TIMESTAMP
rental rental_date datetime 19
rental rental_id int 10  √ 
rental return_date datetime 19  √  null
rental staff_id tinyint unsigned 3
sales_by_film_category category varchar 25
sales_by_film_category total_sales decimal 27,2  √  null
sales_by_store manager varchar 91  √  null
sales_by_store store varchar 101  √  null
sales_by_store total_sales decimal 27,2  √  null
staff active bit 0 1
staff address_id smallint unsigned 5
staff email varchar 50  √  null
staff first_name varchar 45
staff last_name varchar 45
staff last_update timestamp 19 CURRENT_TIMESTAMP
staff password varchar 40  √  null
staff picture blob 65535  √  null
staff staff_id tinyint unsigned 3  √ 
staff store_id tinyint unsigned 3
staff username varchar 16
staff_list address varchar 50
staff_list city varchar 50
staff_list country varchar 50
staff_list ID tinyint unsigned 3 0
staff_list name varchar 91  √  null
staff_list phone varchar 20
staff_list SID tinyint unsigned 3
staff_list zip code varchar 10  √  null
store address_id smallint unsigned 5
store last_update timestamp 19 CURRENT_TIMESTAMP
store manager_staff_id tinyint unsigned 3
store store_id tinyint unsigned 3  √