SchemaSpy Analysis of mangos - Anomalies UnifiedDB World Database | Generated by SchemaSpy |
Things that might not be 'quite right' about your schema: |
Columns whose name and type imply a relationship to another table's primary key:
Anomaly not detected -
Tables without indexes:
Table Rows creature_movement_scripts 26 db_version 1 event_scripts 442 gameobject_scripts 54 gossip_scripts 19 npc_spellclick_spells 19 quest_end_scripts 310 quest_start_scripts 235 spell_scripts 17 -
Columns that are flagged as both 'nullable' and 'must be unique':
Anomaly not detected -
Tables that contain a single column:
Table Column achievements_dbc id areatable_dbc id areatrigger_dbc id chartitles_dbc id creature_respawn guid creaturedisplayinfo_dbc id faction_dbc id factiontemplate_dbc id gameobject_respawn guid gemproperties_dbc id item_dbc id itemset_dbc id languages_dbc id maps_dbc id reserved_name name spell_affect entry spell_dbc id worldsafelocs_dbc id - Tables with incrementing column names, potentially indicating denormalization:
Columns whose default value is the word 'NULL' or 'null', but the SQL NULL value may have been intended:
Anomaly not detected